The salamander includes liquid iron and slag and mixtures of solid iron, slag and coke/carbon. This residual material must be evacuated before relining the blast furnace and it is also recommended to evacuate the liquid salamander prior to partial relines and taphole repairs. Danieli Corus can provide support in maximising the yield of the liquid salamander, while also advising on the likelihood of having to deal with an already solidified partial salamander during operation of the blast furnace.
Blast furnace preparation and monitoring to increase temperature and fluidity, coupled with use of well tried drilling and lancing techniques are the key items for successful liquid salamander removal. The removal of the salamander before commencing reline or repair work provides safer working conditions and prevents damage to the hearth refractories as a result of cyclic cooling and heating movements.
A large solid salamander, however, is usually difficult to remove, and can delay the critical path of the project by several days or even weeks. Dynamiting and oxygen lancing may often be required causing health and safety hazards, thus it is important to maximise the yield of the liquid salamander tap, which is normally tapped immediately after the blow–down.